Beautisoul Green Apple Shower Gel  - 230ml-thumb1

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Beautisoul Green Apple Shower Gel - 230ml



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(190 Ratings)

Product Details

Introducing Beautisoul Green Apple Shower Gel, a refreshing and invigorating body wash infused with the irresistibly fresh scent of green apples. This luxurious shower gel is specially formulated to be paraben-free, sulfate-free, and cruelty-free, and has an IFRA-certified fragrance. This means that it is free of potentially harmful chemicals that can irritate the skin, making it a great choice for those with sensitive skin. Enriched with green apple, chamomile, and aloe vera extracts, this shower gel not only provides a luxurious shower experience but also nourishes your skin, leaving it soft and supple. Green apple extract is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C which helps to brighten and even out skin tone and protect the skin from environmental damage. Chamomile extract is known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, making it ideal for sensitive and irritated skin. Aloe vera extract, known for its hydrating properties, helps to soothe dry, irritated skin

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