Manohar Naturals Lemon Herbsl tea 250gm-thumb0Manohar Naturals Lemon Herbsl tea 250gm-thumb1Manohar Naturals Lemon Herbsl tea 250gm-thumb2Manohar Naturals Lemon Herbsl tea 250gm-thumb3
Manohar Naturals Lemon Herbsl tea 250gm-image

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Manohar Naturals Lemon Herbsl tea 250gm
Manohar Naturals Lemon Herbsl tea 250gm-thumb1

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Manohar Naturals Lemon Herbsl tea 250gm

Manohar Naturals Lemon Herbsl tea 250gm



(1 Ratings)

Product Details


Herbal Tea

Packaging Type


Quantity (gm)

250.0 (in grams)

Quantity (kg)

0.25 (in kg)

LEMON TEA :- Lemon tea, a combination of the goodness of lemons with the antioxidant properties of tea, has several health benefits. It has benefits like boosting immunity, improving the texture and appearance of the skin, taking care of your heart, saying goodbye to acidity, and much more! It is a simple, refreshing, and tasty drink is easy to make! - It helps in getting rid of all the wastes and toxins accumulated in the body and thereby detoxifies the body completely. - The ingredients used in the lemon tea are- lemon (of course), black pepper, black salt, cumin seeds, sugar, dry ginger, green tea, clove, basil, and cardamom. - Add a spoonful of Manohar Naturals Lemon Tea to a boiled cup of water, let it steep for a minute and you can enjoy it. Lemon Tea: It boosts your immunity, gives your skin a natural glow as it flushes out all the toxins, and has anti-inflammatory properties. Feeling Tired After Work, Lack Of Energy During Day, Low Immunity, Bad Digestion Amrita Lemon Herbal Te

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